Thursday, January 29, 2009

Discussion Regarding the Efficacy of Robocop in a Terminator's Role

me - The T-800 has several obvious advantages over Robocop. He looks like a human so he can blend in much better, and he's much faster. But Robocop has an edge in applied weaponry - he's got a targeting system, so there's really no wild firing and missing, like the Terminator.

Adam - That's true, but Robocop has faced much tougher challenges than Sarah Connor. Like bigger, more powerful robots.

me - Well sure, but the fact is that if the machines had sent Robocop back, he would have killed Sarah Connor right away.

Jim - But they wouldn't have been able to send him back - you can only transport living organisms, not machines.

me - Well the T-800 is a robot wrapped in a human, so they could just wrap Robocop in a human. Then he would be a human wrapped in a robot wrapped in a human.

ADDENDUM - On the question of transporting advanced weaponry, as posed to Kyle Reese in the police station, the explanation of "nothing dead will go" holds little water. Using the same principle of a T-800 being surrounded by living tissue, thus fulfilling the requirement of a "field generated by a living organism," I submit the following: why not surgically implant a weapon in a cat or something? Sure, the cat pays a dear price on the other side of his time travel when the weapon must be retrieved, but hey, the fate of the world is at stake.

1 comment:

Spikeamighty said...

And all normal people hate fuckin cats.