things that i hate
1) glass eyes
2) people referring to things as their "livlihood"
3) when people take too long at the drive thru window
4) VW beetles with car bras
5) grown men with pony tails
6) the phrase "in this post 9/11 world..."
7) Ikea
8) yellow cars
9) orange cars
10) the elderly
11) Asian women drivers
12) women who talk about their "eggs"
13) Matt Roloff
14) traffic lights that change right before you get there but nobody goes by the other way
15) Angry Steve
16) MacSolitaire
17) laptops that get way too goddamn hot
18) the Yankees
19) self-taken Facebook/MySpace pictures
20) TAHI Productions
21) shitty cars with awesome stereos
22) exagerrated sighs
23) Evel Kenieval
24) the phrase, "what's your 20?"
25) Sit 'n' Sleep commercials
26) people that ride their bikes during the morning commute
27) away messages that are song lyrics or are "inspirational"
28) the word "bro"
29) Sleater-Kinney
30) adults with braces
31) when successful people are referred to as "moguls"
32) televised poker
33) Sean's car
34) my Morroccan neighbors
35) Geraldo Rivera
36) the phrase/people who use the phrase "bane of my existence"
37) siamese twins
38) red left turn arrows
39) the Yankees
40) MAD TV
41) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
42) The Red Hot Chili Peppers
43) Clubber Lang
44) loud chewing/eating
45) shoes with roller skates built in
46) Nancy Grace
47) people who call Wednesday "Hump Day"
48) people that type in all caps
49) when the shake machine at McDonalds is "broken"
50) those giant plug things that stretch out people's ear lobes
51) neck and face tattoos
52) the "I'm too cool for my face" haircut (emo)
53) people with overwhelming acne
54) Buddy Holly glasses
55) track suits
56) people with really small teeth
57) conversations about movie cliches
58) Carlos Mencia and people who think he's funny
59) half time interviews with football coaches
60) lists of things that are cool
61) white guys with dreadlocks
62) people who wear sweatpants in public
63) fanny packs
64) leg warmers
65) middle aged women who dress young
66) the fact that "Starbucks" is in my cell phone's iTAP dictionary
67) Trevor Bailey
68) the Carls Jr philly cheese steak commercial
69) DUI defense attorneys
70) female body builders
71) people that read every sign they see out loud
72) "undercover exposes" where a hot chick puts on a fat suit
73) Bravo's movie lists
74) guys who wear gloves at the gym
75) guys who wear wife beaters anywhere
76) audible grunting at the gym
77) people who believe that their zodiac sign actually means something
78) Madonna's British accent
80) cars that have a separate key to unlock the door
81) struggling actors
82) movies in which Eddie Murphy or Martin Lawrence play multiple parts
83) people that get offended by things that aren't offensive to them
84) movies that parody multiple other movies
85) Hawk Harrelson (chicago white sox announcer)
86) girls that make fish faces in every picture
87) Man-Uggs
88) people who make quotes with their fingers
89) Dakota Fanning
90) Hugh Laurie
91) food that specifies it contains "real" ingredients
92) text message conversations
93) names that are almost real names, like "Leeza" or "Bryant"
94) injury lawyers
95) movies that are described as "charming"
96) Hugh Grant
97) "The Insider"
98) tall shoes
99) the word "interesting" as a default adjective for everything
100) people who wear sunglasses indoors and/or at night
101) the word "tweens"
102) digital voice manipulation, a la Cher
103) commercials where people casually discuss side effects of medication amongst themselves
104) oversized shirts on undersized men
105) undersized shirts on oversized women
106) ads for TV shows that run in the corner during another TV show
107) Evanescence
108) military recruitment commercials
109) unnecessary use of the phoenetic alphabet
110) expository dialogue
111) pennies
112) soul patches (AKA - the upside-down Hitler)
113) people that buy Che Guevara t-shirts and/or posters
114) the phrase "paradigm shift"
115) "scary" movies that are rated PG-13
116) low riders
117) normal names that are spelled weird, like "Cheyne" and "Geoff"
118) guys who clip their cell phones to their belts
119) radio promos
120) shirts, hats, stickers, or buttons with quirky phrases on them (ie - "i do what the voices tell me")
121) when people use the copyright logo without having a copyright
122) flourescent headlights
123) people who give themselves nicknames
124) the name Topher
125) men with nose piercings
126) World of Warcraft
127) inspirational football movies
128) "Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed
129) amateur psychiatrists
130) Miatas
131) people that make you take off your shoes in their house
132) the fact that more sleep can actually make you more tired
133) NPR fund drives
134) reversable clothing
135) boat shoes
136) web sites that automatically play music
137) Wicca and people who (claim to) believe in it
138) the oracle in "The Matrix"
139) people who use Facebook/MySpace profile pictures that aren't them
140) political discussions with people who don't understand politics
141) the WNBA
142) automated customer service
143) Fergie
144) the remake of "The Shining"
145) Terrible Towels
146) people who wear their military uniforms in public
147) when adults use the word "jammies"
148) Facebook fliers
149) acting coaches
150) movie trailers that give explainations for their rating
151) cars that have those little flags attached to them
152) having to check if milk has gone bad
153) girl bands
154) references to 9/11 in commercials
155) when people use their middle name on Facebook
156) people who wear giant headphones in public
157) submarine-style pitchers
158) commercials that still use Smashmouth songs
159) sports fans who hate their home team
160) when days of the week are pronounced "Mondee, Tuesdee, etc"
161) Ricky Shroeder's multiple comeback attempts
162) people who ask questions of themselves instead of just making a statement
163) gold
164) "gifts" on Facebook
165) women with thick New Jersey accents
166) dance music
167) people who constantly claim they are being disrespected
168) Dave Matthews' voice
169) assistant directors
170) the way reporters talk
171) "Vote For Pedro" shirts and people who wear them
172) vanity license plates
173) flat brimmed hats turned slightly to the side with the tag still attached
174) emo guys who wear skin tight pants
175) chain wallets
176) epic music in movie trailers
177) the way Mike Mussina pitches from the stretch
178) people whose voicemail message says "you know what to do"
179) when people get shot in movies and then tear off their shirt to reveal a bulletproof vest
180) people who switch the "W" and "H" when they say words like "when" and "where"
181) stand up comedians with catch phrases
182) when people say the word "yay"
183) the "WE" network
184) when people who have a doctorate in something other than medicine demand to be called doctor
185) steering wheel covers
186) MTV Cribs
187) songs with any variation of "It's your life" or "It's my life" in the chorus
188) white women who act black
189) everything Paul McCartney has done since The Beatles broke up
190) songs that have several minutes of pointless silence at the end
191) Shaun White
192) Razor scooters
193) comedians whose entire act is impressions
194) when Netflix sends full frame versions of great movies
195) buying plane tickets
196) people who sign their Facebook wall posts
197) Shawne Merriman and the "lights out" dance
198) "Truth" anti-smoking ads
199) aspiring models
200) people who think being loud is the same as being funny
201) the Blue Collar Comedy guys
202) morning TV talk/news shows
203) when someone grabs just your fingers while shaking hands
204) most Robin Williams movies
205) limo versions of SUVs
206) Sister Patterson
207) bacne
208) people who think a close up and/or black and white photo of anything is brilliant photography
209) people who say "and such"
210) local sports broadcasters who refer to their team as if they are on it (frequent use of the word "we")
211) local sports broadcasters who refer to players on a first name basis
212) Guitar Center employees
213) when commercials are twice as loud as the show they're interrupting
214) Good Charlotte
215) Pedro Gomez
216) when people use umbrellas for shade
217) when songs have an excessive amout of feedback/droning noises at the end
218) children that have more musical talent than I do
219) when several people whistle in unison
220) Gary Sheffield
221) getting into my car after it's been sitting in the sun on a hot summer day
222) when a sale is called an "event"
223) Dane Cook
224) people who wear bluetooth headsets all the time
225) "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston
226) Sallie Mae
227) people who say things like "get some good camera shots"
228) people who say "a little (insert anything) action" over and over
230) sportscasters that describe everything as being "tremendous"
231) Yoko Ono
232) people who are always sweaty
233) when in-game statistics are sponsored
234) Paul Byrd
235) Venus and Serena Williams
236) when networks advise viewer discretion
237) shows about crime investigation
238) people who walk around shirtless in non-beach towns
239) when people roll up sleeves on a sport coat
240) Anaheim Angels (Yes, Anaheim. You are in Anaheim. Anaheim is not Los Angeles.)
241) internet providers whose main selling point is that they are faster than dial-up
242) the guy who does those drawing-on-a-white-board UPS commercials
243) guys who drive with their shirts off
244) getting cable installed
245) alternate versions of Wikipedia
246) Mercury Morris
247) those pictures of cats with misspelled captions
248) jewelry store commercials
249) wrapping presents
250) when you can hear a guitar player's fingers moving across the frets on a quiet acoustic song
251) people who post videos of themselves playing covers on YouTube
252) people who wear arbitrary jerseys at professional sporting events
253) split depths of field
254) when people stop at a yeild sign
255) outies
256) songs that use any variation of the lyric, "say goodbye to yesterday"
257) Skip Bayliss
258) the Pro Bowl
259) how every scandal is automatically called "(something)-gate"
260) people who put obvious facts on iMDB trivia
261) people who remake YouTube videos
262) little windshield wipers for headlights
263) people who use flash photography from the stands in stadiums
264) the Honda Insight
265) the same 5 Sublime songs I've been hearing on the radio since 1995
266) Doomsday prophecies
267) email chain letters telling me not to buy gas on a specific day
268) people I went to high school with getting married
269) those little circle batteries
270) how nearly every woman I know would go gay for Angelina Jolie
271) Angelina Jolie
272) when people say "carmel" instead of "caramel"
273) when people ask me why I don't watch "The Office"
274) car seat covers
275) Hank Steinbrenner
276) all the little hairs that get stuck on you when you get a haircut
277) when people slide into first base
278) drunk girls who sing along with Bon Jovi songs in bars
279) not being able to leave Whole Foods without being asked to sign a petition
280) the guy who owns Sullivan Tire
281) Arlen Specter
282) how it's 10 times harder to wake up in the morning now than when I was in grade school
283) Joba Chamberlain
284) Sharon Stone
285) cauliflowered ears
286) how Pepsi cans purchased in New York say "New York" on the can
287) false starts on songs
288) about 90% of White Stripes songs
289) Brett Favre
290) the term "SoCal"
291) websites that do nothing but point out continuity errors in movies
292) "The 70's called..." jokes (this applies to any decade)
293) when band names are abbreviated (ex. Dave Matthews Band = DMB)
294) anything with Neve Campbell in it
295) Frank Caliendo
296) how Southwest Airlines consider Manchester and Providence to be "Boston area"
297) when sports broadcasters start reading the credits while the game is still being played
298) Scott Boras
299) that hump that old ladies get on their backs
300) Geico cavemen commercials
Hot Fun
14 years ago